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New report : Most large whale deaths in the past 40 years caused by humans



Scientific American in a new article reports that most large whale deaths in the past 40 years were caused by human actions. Protection measures seem to have had no impact on whale deaths, according to a new study that reinforces the need for science-based approaches to reducing large-whale mortality.


At WhaleFest we say this is true too for small cetaceans, where further initiatives are also needed, such as those that build on the work in Europe of ASCOBANS and ACCOBAMS.

Even though progress has been made on reducing whaling, with the original Save the Whale campaigns of the 1970's and '80's, the conservation status of many species is not improving, in many cases it is worsening. Fisheries competition, by catch, lost gear, pollution, ship strikes, noise and habitat degradation to name a few threats are well recongised but with little co-ordinated action being taken to effectively make a difference, especially in areas round the world where populations are now classified as endangered or are critical.

Scientific-based approaches need wide scale public support to help influence government and industry decision makers, to help cetaceans and indeed create a healthy marine ecosystem overall. Please voice your support, join and follow the "Save The Whale : Reloaded" campaign - in person at Brighton, UK, on the 27/28th October or by signing up to the campaign on the website from anywhere in the world and take part and learn about how you can take practical steps yourself to address particular threats !

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