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Dolphins and Coral!


Hello all

So we had a massive pod of dolphins off Utila recently. Unusually it was a mixture of both spinners and bottle nose dolphins and there were more than a 100 of them. They were incredibly social and our guests were able to snorkel with them and get to see them really close.


We also are about to start a 2 month long focus on Coral Watch. All our Dive Masters in Training do Coral Watch surveys as part of the program and submit their data to the University of Queensland. However as our peak water temperatures are July and August, we want to have a special focus on the data recorded during this period so we can see the impact this has on the coral. We will then resurvey the same coral in 6 months in the cooler weather and see if any impacts were long term or if the coral reacted well to the change back to cooler water.


The Utila College of Marine Ecology did their own survey last year and found the coral rejuvenated well but we want to extend that this year and monitor a wider range of coral over a longer period.

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