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Never a dull dive


I always tell divers the same thing: take a better look at what you see. Sure we all like to see sharks and graceful rays swim by but, there's so much more. Have you ever been excited to see a dameselfish? Perhaps the show two of these feisty little fish gave us will change your mind. I had just noticed a Threespot Dameselfish charge a larger one who was obviously protecting his territory so I decided to hover over them and watch to see what would happen. Well, the smaller one had no intention of giving up that easily and kept charging from all sides until the occupant decided to put an end to this disruption by grabbing the intruder's mouth and literally shaking the heck out of it before letting it go. The attacking damselfish quickly retreated into a small crevice to hide and just when I thought it was over, he darted out at full speed and charged once more. Again the larger male easily chased him out. Then, the attacker hovered for a few seconds just outside the territory he was trying to steal as though he was thinking about his next move then suddenly charged. The owner of that little patch counter attacked, bit the side of his assailant taking off a piece of flesh. Needless to say that put an end to the show. We had a front row seat. There's so much going on down there and we are the lucky ones because us divers get to see it firsthand.

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