Pledge to Sustainable Scuba Diving in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Goal: Encourage & promote behaviors by scuba divers for the sustainability of scuba diving, with healthy oceans and unspoiled dive sites.
Wait a minute! What does “sustainable” mean?
The World Bank definition of sustainable development goes as follows:
“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
So… That’s what it is! But applied to recreational scuba diving.
We want to teach scuba diving and practice scuba diving in a sustainable way.We want to enjoy it today, without compromising the ability of our kids to enjoy it too.
Every little action counts: your streamlined equipment that is not damaging the reef, the buoyancy control you are mastering, the litter you are not leaving behind, the coral reef you are not touching, the light stick you do not buy and do not use for night diving, the local customs you are respecting, the local coastal cleanup activities you are supporting...
Let's build a list together. Then let's share it with our dive buddies. For those of us who are scuba diving instructors, let's share it with our student divers. Let's pledge our commitment to scuba diving in a fashion that is sustainable.
Event: Total Diving - Montreal Scuba, a PADI Career Development Center in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, will announce a new environmental commitment on World Water Day in Montreal, on Thursday March 22, 2012.
Scuba divers are invited to the event starting at 11am and running for 3 days. They will be invited to take a formal pledge to responsible scuba diving behavior.