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Member of Parliament Will Meet Montreal Scuba Divers on Earth Day to Discuss Shark Fin Bans in Canada


On Sunday morning April 22, Montreal scuba divers will be gathering at Total Diving for a discussion on sharks conservation, shark protection, shark finning and shark fin bans.

Hoang Mai, member of Parliament in Ottawa, will come to explain and request support for a private bill presented by Fin Donnelly, to ban the import of shark fin to Canada.

Having questions about sharks? Why do they matter? What can a Montreal scuba diver do to help? Having questions for Hoang about this proposed bill? Come to Total Diving's Big Shark Shout Out event on Sunday morning. Just let us know by booking on the Montreal Scuba Diving Meetup group.

Hoang is also a PADI scuba diving instructor. He represents Brossard-La Prairie in Ottawa.

It's Earth Day on Sunday. It's Project AWARE's "Big Shark Shout Out" all month. It's action time, all the time!

Scuba Diving Montreal. Total Diving. For the blue planet!

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