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The Global Scavenger Hunt is Conservation at Play!



Now, with the official launch of our movement for ocean protection, we’re using the web to connect with divers in some of the most remote corners of the world. But it's the offline action that individual divers, like you, take when you Dive Against Debris that makes a big difference to our ocean's ecosystems.  

That’s why we hope you’ll join the Project AWARE Global Scavenger Hunt! The hunt is a fun way to kick-off our new Dive Against Debris program that asks divers to collect underwater debris and log it online so that in the future we can prevent marine debris issues around the world.  

From now until August 1st, 2011, divers who log debris data using our online submission form are automatically entered into the scavenger hunt. The diver who logs the most marine debris by August 1st wins the ultimate Scubapro Diver Duffle Bag packed with fins, mask, snorkel, boots and gloves from Scubapro's new SUB GEAR range valued at $420 plus Project AWARE goodie bag. 

Second place scavenger will win the latest IC14 Intova digital camera with waterproof housing plus Project AWARE goodie bag. Third place scavenger hunter will receive a Project AWARE goodie bag including a mask strap, BCD clip, polo shirt and more. 

This one-minute video is an intro to the Dive Against Debris program and explains what Project AWARE hopes to achieve working on an individual level with divers from all around the world: 

Here’s how you can get started playing the Global Scavenger Hunt: 

1. Please review this Dive Against Debris self study guide to learn how to successfully contribute data to help support change.

2. Use the data card to guide your data and debris collection activities underwater, and then don’t forget to submit your data online using this online submission form.

3. Please send us your feedback ([email protected]). Hearing about your experiences and ideas will help us build a strong Dive Against Debris program going forward. 

Join the growing movement to clean up our oceans. Create your profile, log your data and make a difference, one dive and one piece of debris at a time!

From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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