Coral Nursery Techniques Workshop March 8 2012
In Thailand, there are laws to protect corals everywhere including Marine Protected Areas (MPA's). Though hard to enforce, one of the laws forbids the moving of coral. After the massive coral bleaching event of 2010 here on Koh Tao, and around the world's tropical seas, local government decided to ask for help from different dive schools on Koh tao. Department of Marine and Coastal Resources (DMCR) and the Prince of Songkhla University decided to include SKT and participating dive schools in a program to promote the rehabilitation of coral reefs. Sunshine Dive Resort is one of the dive schools with special permission from the Thai government to work with coral and construct coral nurseries.
Recently, SKT's Chad Scott gave a Coral Nursery Techniques Workshop so that those participating dive schools could continue to educate their instructors and DMT's here were not here in 2010. The workshop was very thorough covering coral health, monitoring and growth. After the lecture the group actually building coral nurseries from wire and pvc pipes. Participating from Sunshine were David Scanlan, Tamara May, Sarah Van Name and Jacabo Sanchez.