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Mae Haad Clean-up dive 25-2-12


Sunshine is at it again, our monthly clean-up was a success with an estimated haul of 54 kilos! The clean-up was a combined effort of 12 instructors, dmt's and fun divers from Sunshine led by Sarah Van Name and a group of 9 DMT's from Ban's led by Lee Nightingale. Armed with gloves, bags, knives and smb's the groups spread out across Mae Haad Bay in the heart of Koh Tao. This is the main pier area so everyone was extremely careful to steer clear of the boat lanes. Some interesting finds included several rice cookers, a very old camera and a lighter in the shape of a gun. For a few moments we thought that we had found a murder weapon! Unfortunately we found 18 batteries. Since only finding one on our last clean-up, we were hoping that less boats were throwing them overboard. Batteries are extra dangerous for the environment because they leak acid once they start to corrode. Good news, there is a surprising amount of beautiful, healthy coral in this very busy area. Let's hope our combined efforts lead to the same beauty and diversity in Mae Haad in the future.

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