Just another day of saving marine lives

Today I arranged an impromptu Dive Against Debris for a site that I surveyed last year, a site that I have wanted to repeat after witnessing a slow build up of trash.
After staffing an IDC last week where there were numerous Project AWARE themed presentations, I made loose arrangements with candidates to conduct this dive with the newer interns to help promote these events.
The 3 interns were all awarded the specialty rating 'Dive Against Debris' as a result of looking through the student materials and taking part in debris collection dives and data recording.
Sadly, even the places of such beauty like the Cayman Islands are victim to the indiscriminate danger that marine debris poses. Our fragile reefs and marine animals are not immune to the damage this trash has the enormous potential to inflict.
But, thanks to the efforts of our volunteers - Moe, Molly, Mikkel & Theresa (as well as myself!) there is a little less debris and hopefully a little bit safer......for now.
If Debris Diver is something you are interested in, and you are heading this way then get in touch to get your certification along with any of the other AWARE courses I can offer - Coral Reef Conservation, Project AWARE, AWARE Shark Conservation, Dive Against Debris, Sea Turtle Awareness, Invasive Lionfish Tracker.