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British Canals - suage and waste


This holiday has been spent on a narrowboat on the British canals. I am very surprised of all the litter and waste thrown into the water. It may not be so surprising when you hear  and know of the history of the canals, but we are in 2015 now, and there should have been room for some improvements of the canal water. Most surprisingly is that the Brits themselves uses the canals for their pleasure being onboard a narrowboat or standing fishing on the old tow path. After spending a week onboard our rented narrowboat, the number of dead animals observed in the canal is uncountable. These are all kinds of species. Floating fish, ducks, rabbits, rats, etc. I would think the fish caught in the canal is not suitable for other than biological experiments. I feel sorry for all the children living by the canals, being raised with suage fish and with an inherited attitude believing that everything can be thrown into the canal. All you British people! Start rinsing your canals!

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