IT IS UP TO US!! - Join Reef Check Malaysia
Reef Check was founded in 1996 and was carried out on a large scale in 1997. This exercise provided first solid evidence that the coral reefs have been damaged on a global scale. This raised the awareness of scientists, governments, politicians and the general public and also solutions seeking in rectifying the coral reef problems.
In August 2002, The Global Coral Reef Crisis - Trends and Solutions, was released. The report is based on data collected from over 80 countries. This is the first scientific documentation of the dramatic worldside declinein coral reef health over the previous 5 years. Not only was the decline and damage of the coral reefs alarming, there is virtually no reef in the world that was untouched by human impacts, such as over fishing, pollution and climate change. However, from this report, the silver lining was that with proper monitoring, management and protection, our coral reefs can recover - IT IS UP TO US.
Today, Reef Checks are conducted annualy at sites all around world. Reef Check teams have been sponsored by a number of parge corporations and have worked with many businesses in tourism, diving, surfing and the marine aquarium trade, to develop mutually beneficail solutions - including the creation of self-funding Marine Protection Areas.
In 2001, Reef Check Foundation appointed a National Coordinator for Malaysia, to promoted Reef Check and carry out training and surveys. While there were some successes, lack of funding and support prevented the coordinator from having a major impact on marine conservation in Malaysia. In 2006, the British Government, provided funding for a one year project to establish a more sustainable Reef Check programme in Malaysia. That project culminated with the registration of Reef Check Malaysia Bhd as a non-profit compay in August 2007.
Today Reef Check Malaysia needs everyone's support in making their cause a success, not only for the our generation, also for the generations to come! Divers out there, if you are interested to become EcoDivers, there will be training sessions to attend. Refer to the following website for details :