Say No to Shark Finning

Over the past decades, the world has seen shark population plummeting by more than half.
In the late 1980's, researchers started to monitor the shrinking population of the sharks. While the dwindling numbers is partially due to the low reproductive rate of the species, recreational fishing and shark hunting (shark finning industry) are the main culprits.
“A rapid decline in the shark population would cause serious damage to the marine community,” Frank Setlock, a biology teacher at Pope John XXIII high school in New Jersey said. “Sharks are necessary to keep the equilibrium of the environment around them. If the population continues to decline, we will find an increase in other marine life, specifically smaller fish species. This is a serious concern because our oceans cannot handle such a disproportionate ebb and flow of population.”
According to Allison Keller, "Although the biggest decline in sharks was found in shark species that tended to stay close to the shoreline, all sharks are at risk. The deep-ocean shark, known as the Thresher, a deep ocean shark, has dropped 80 percent in number since 1986. The population of the classic Great White Shark has seen a 79 percent decrease since 1986, and Hammerhead sharks suffered the worst with an 89 percent drop from 1986 to 2000."
Saying NO to shark finning is not just an act of humanity and care for the sharks, it involves a bigger issue at hand - our marine ecosystems. There are many organisations/groups who are active in shark research and conservation. Project AWARE is one of them; read up at At the same time, make a pledge at the following link: