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Lead= 200lbs, Fishing line= 30lbs, Glass bottles= 32. Protecting Our Ocean Planet- One Dive at a Time: Priceless.


As the weather cleared up on a casual Sunday evening, August 21, fourteen strangers gathered to share an experience which unknowingly created a sense of purpose in the world, and bonds that would last forever. The busy dive shop provided a place to meet, the ocean provided the site, the divers provided the passion to protect it. One of the favorite local dive spots in Hawaii Kai, Oahu- Spitting Caves, unfortunately is also a popular fishing hole for careless fisherman. Spitting Caves is a seawall full of carved rock and caves which house a multitude of wildlife, even the endangered Monk Seal.  This site has been littered with abandoned weights, caught fishing line and hooks, as well as glass bottles and rubbish, all caught on the coral and jagged rocks. All of the participants share a common love for the ocean creating camaraderie and drive to rid this area of its trash. The fourteen divers went on a two tank drift dive at the wall, with two collection stations and each carrying a collection bag. The forty minute dives allowed time to collect an immense amount of rubbish which littered the sea floor.  All-in-all over 250 lbs of trash was collected; including lead fishing weights, fishing line and hooks, as well as glass bottles and a wide range of items which did not belong.  The boat ride in, the accomplishment we felt started to sink in. Sharing this experience together created a strong sense of place in the world for everyone knowing that just fourteen individuals were making a difference in the well being of the earth.

From the My Ocean Community

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