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The Long wait for the nest to hatch!


So now we new we had the nest, we new what type, and we had an idea of the length of time that it would take to hatch around 55 days.  We were given a hatching date of the 5th to the 15th of September.  All I could so as the new Harbour Village Beach walker was to wait.  


The Sea Turtle Conservation Bonaire organisation has a number of volunteers that walk the common nesting beaches of Boanire and Klein Bonaire to look for signs of nests or hatchlings so that they can help protect them as much as possible.  As it was uncommon to have nests at Harbour Village there was no-one checking the beach.  Harbour Village is a private beach club so there is limited access to the area by the public. I volunteered to look out for the nest and make sure that it was kept safe until it hatched.


Eventually the resort had extra signs made and installed a web cam with night vision so that people could watch from all around the world.


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