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Coral Restoration Foundation


During the most of 2015 we spent our time at Great Adventures Bonaire setting up our Coral Reef Nursery at Habrour Village.  We first installed 5 trees to grow Staghorn and Elkhorn corals. We populated the trees with the corals from a near by nursery and but and replicated the coral fragments for the rest if the year, We take care of and nurture the corals. Making sure that are free form predation and take away the algae fighting for space on our trees.


Just one year later we have started to transplant those corals to our reefs using a thicket structure to help give the corals a great supporting area to establish.


We also recently starte to teach the Coral Restoration Diver certification to our guests that want to help us make a difference.


Now I can safely say I am a coral lover tree hugger!

Pictures to follow.

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