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Dive Against Debris; Puerto Galera Philippines


This is an exciting first blog entry for me.  I am organizing a Project Aware Dive Against Debris event in conjunction with Atlantis Dive Resorts located in Puerto Galera, Philippines.  I am a PADI IDC Staff Instructor with Tahoe Dive Center located in Carson City, Nevada.  I know huh? A dive shop in the high Sierra Nevada mountains going all the way to the other side of the palnet to help clean the ocean, who would have thought that was gonna happen.  I figured I would make my first Projec AWARE event an international affair, go big or go home right?  I will do my best to keep the blog going while in the Philippines but internet may be a bit touch and go for me.

We still have room on this trip for any locals from the states who want to join us.  I also hope to meet some locals from Puerto Galera that might want to come out and help.  We have five committed divers from our shop who will be participating already Theresa, Sarah, Leslie, John and me.

Safe diving and see you underwater soon.  Scuba Steve :)

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