Day 13 - I Got Me Some Help!
Day 13 and I was out drift diving at SD - North coast of NusaPenida. In the drift picking up trash was a little tricky as (a) there wasn;t much trash and (b) I was whizzing along in a drift! I did manage to bring back with me 3 plastic bottles, 3 food containers, 1 piece of rope and 4 food wraps though - that pretty much filled my BCD. After I got back and recorded my finding I decided to finish filling up my clean up bags on the beach and today was really special for me. Some of the local kids who have been watching me clean the beach as though I'm a crazy person plucked up the courage to come and help me! After the first one had brought me a plastic bottle to put in my bag and I smiled and said thank you that was it - I had 6 kids running around grabbing everything they could find to put in the bags, which were filled in no time. Some of them got camera shy but here are two of the boys who helped along with their treasure! Way to go!!!! From the beach we managed to collect an additional 7 plastic bottles, 2 cans, 17 food pots, 4 wrappers, 2 more pieces of rope and a belt! Well done kids!