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Diving with Whale Sharks May.



We were lucky enough to dive with whale sharks this May.  Some of which we believe have not been seen before on Koh Tao.

We think it's a good idea to upload any images we take of sharks to ECOCEAN - Whale Shark identification library.  Here researchers can use the photos divers take.

Photographs showing the distinctive patterning on whale sharks are used to uniquely identify individuals for long-term, mark-recapture analysis. Resulting population models can be used by local, regional, and international conservation and management authorities to understand the pressures on this species and to take specific action to protect them.

It's important to remember to stay at least 3m away from the sarks when diving with them and taking photos.  When divers get too close and block the path of a shark it can negatively influence it's behaviour.

It's great to hear that some new sharks are coming through the waters around Koh Tao.  We were delighted to dive with them, and look to seeing them again soon.  Photos of the dive included in image gallery.

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