Great way to start your Diving Career with a "dive against debris"
What is more important than to look after your office and keep it clean ??
That's why yesterday the Divemaster trainees conducted a Dive Against debris and cleaned up the dive site #Shark point there was a loot of shit but some got more happy than others since they found some new additions to their wardrobe High heels and a pair of really hot Capri pants (Ashley!! ??? really? Capri pants.
We managed in 50 minutes to gather 9KG of rubbish from Shark Point in Sanur channel
This is a site that we are continuously cleaning up so luckily we didn't have that much trash about 2 years ago not much clean up was done in the area and then we had 5 times that amount each time we went for a clean up !
it's great to see that our efforts does make a difference ..
This is why Dive against debris is a very important part of the Diveaster internship at Crystal Divers.. to keep speading the word and hopefully have a good effect on all Divemasters going through here.
Stay Calm and Keep it Clean
Robin Bylund