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October, month of the Sharks


Costa Rica gets some bad publicity about shark finning and every time we try and do something about it.  As October being month of the shark we have one of our interns do  a research project to find out as much info he can about the income of tourism due to our big shark population.  Once all dive centers have answered his questions we will represent this to Pretoma (our local ocean guards) to present it to the Government.  Hope this helps :)

One of our instructors is very much involved in the shark conservation as well, so she is helping to set up out Spring Festival. SEE OUR SEA. March 1 to 4 of 2012.  these 4 day will be totally dedicated to the sharks and turtles of Costa Rica.  We will combine this with fund raising for Mision Tiburon who have 4 tagging devices for the bull sharks and they are hoping to get more, so we can see what is happening to our bulls in the Bat islands.  We will keep all developments posted, so make sure you join us in March!

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