Beach Clean Ups
Over the last several months the ReefDoctor team started to implement regular beach clean ups on a monthly basis. In collaboration with ProjectAware this event started to get rolling and the community slowly starts to get involved. Mostly children, sometimes even young adults and others join the ReefDoctor team along the beach to fill the baskets with rubbish. Volunteers, Interns and staff are all enthusiastic and dedicated to help changing the beachs' momentary stage. A lot of glass, metal and other sharp things which are dangerous to the kids playing barefood, batteries, big amounts of plastic and all kinds of things are picked up during the action. As the project evolves there might be more things added and ideas unfolding along the way!! Hopefully we will be able to reach especially the younger generation during these environmental clean up trips! How great it is to be part of a global community that tries to make things happen, ReefDoctor is looking forward to keep engaging in our efforts to help our environment.