Free Lionfish for everyone!

ReefCI and local NGO TIDE gave away free samples of lionfish to Festival attendees at this weekends TIDE Fish festival in Punta Gorda. Locals were encouraged to complete a short survey about their knowledge of this invasive species, the threats it poses to the marine environment and the taste of the Lionfish. The results were extremely encouraging! The majority of the people surveyed said that they would be prepared to buy Lionfish fillet at the local market as an alternative to the more traditional and often overfished Grouper, Snapper and Barracuda. ReefCI and TIDE are working with Fishermen to incentivize them to catch the Lionfish and encouraging the local restaurants and resorts to add Lionfish to their menus. Festival attendees. Locals were encouraged to complete a short survey about their knowledge of this invasive species, the threats it poses to the marine environment and the taste of the Lionfish. The results were extremely encouraging! The majority of the people surveyed said that they would be prepared to buy Lionfish fillet at the local market as an alternative to the more traditional and often overfished Grouper, Snapper and Barracuda. ReefCI and TIDE are working with Fishermen to incentivize them to catch the Lionfish and encouraging the local restaurants and resorts to add Lionfish to their menus.