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WWF Malaysia monthly monitoring


On the 7th Jan 2013, we were visited by WWF Malaysia and Sabah Wildlife Department for the monthly Sea Turtle Conservation monitoring. Our marine biologist were sharing data and discussing problems regarding sea turtle conservation with them.

During the recent workshop organised by Sabah Wildlife Department and WWF-Malaysia last year, a collaborative managemnet body to manage and conserve marine turtles in the northeast islands of the Semporna Priority Conservation Area (PCA) was formed.

Apart from The Reef Dive Resort, other initial member of the body includes the neighbouring resort operators Pom-Pom Island Resort and Celebes Beach Resort.

They were visiting us every fisrt week of the month, where we share the nesting, hatching and tagging data of Sea turtle with them.

The number of Sea Turtle nesting at our beaches were increasing for the past five years.

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