Go West Plastic Ocean Project, Inc.
We have had a productive month and because of the funding we received from Project Aware, we have been connecting with well over a thousand people on the issue of plastic marine debris. Did I say a thousand? Partly because we were invited to have a tent in the Green Village at the Jack Johnson Concert in Cary, NC with over 7,000 ticket holders where we got to meet Jack and his wife Kim. This month it was also at the Woman's Conference (thank you Kurt Lieber and Plastic Oceans Foundation) in California where Captian Charlie Moore got to see the canvas dedicated to him while looking at it with World Class Free Diver Tanya Streeter, and world renowned artist Wyland. It was also on display at the NC Coastal Federation Grand Opening, and is currently in Indiana at the McCormick's Creek State Park Nature Center. Here is a press release for that event. http://www.spencereveningworld.com/news/2014-06-05/General/Plastic_Ocean_Art_Show_At_MCSP_Nature_Center.html
One of the other events we host besides our traveling art exhibit is river cleanups. Wherever the exhibit is, we attempt to get the local folks out to tend to the river. The connection is all rivers link to rivers that lead to the sea and the cleanups allow people to make the connection that the plastic debris we find along and in the river is another way plastic is transported into our oceans. It has proven to be a very powerful practice and we look forward to doing this across the USA.
Next art stop will be Reno, Navada and possibly Hawaii. Kim Jackson (the singer/song writer's wife) took to the exhibit and her team is now working on getting it there. Stay tuned!