Lac Beauport cleaning
Since decade 1980 no cleanup have been done on this lake. In such time, oven stoves, fridges and dryers were taked out and every citizen and visitors watch its trashes. Anyways, accidents append and trashes find their way to the lake's floor. From there, they often migrate throw rivers up to the Atlantic Ocean. Cleaning this head lake helps to keep Jaune river, St-Charles river and St-Laurence river cleaner.
Two dives for every 25 divers on 10 boats sum more than 20 hours diving during such day. We all together brought out of the lake more than 10 kilos of little things, concrete blocks and pipes. We know that there's still material to take out like a boat engine (we could not find it) and patio chairs, a bicycle. They still stay on the bottom, but we could not reach them on this single day. But, divers, and shore's owners are now on touch and if ever they can find such items, they will process without delaying action.
The June 8th 2013 have been a very great day for both divers and boat drivers. The could finally meet themselves instead of talk on one another. They could collaborate on a common project and reach together a simple but great goal. This date marks a new relation between divers and this lake's residents. Over the environmental consequences of the action, the social ones are important too.
Please feel free to ask more about our day on a head-lake's action to contribute to the global ocean cleaning.