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Turle release Gili Air


A few days ago Oceans 5 dive resort released 10 Hawksbill sea turtles. These were the last ones of the big group of sea turtles were Oceans 5 were taking care of. The turtles were released in front of the dive shop in the harbor of Gili Air, Lombok, Indonesia.

Oceans 5 is taking care of injured turtles or little turtles that didnt went straight to the ocean.

Oceans 5 is definite not buying eggs from locals. Buying eggs is against Oceans 5 principles, because people who do something illegal, collecting eggs, will get rewarded by a payment.


Now at this time Oceans 5 has 6 turtles left, 5 little Hawksbill sea turtles and 1 big Olive Ridley sea turtle. The Olive Ridley is a little bit our problem child, this one has an air bubble between the shell and the body and this causes that the turtle can't dive or stay for a long time underwater. If Oceans 5 will release it now this turtle will not survive.


If anyone has some information how to help this turtle it should be great! Information can be sent to [email protected].



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