Hin Wong 21/12/14
Hin Wong is a beautiful bay on the island of Koh Tao but unfortunatly each year the winds and tides bring along a whole bunch of marine debris which colect on the small beach at Hin Wong.
We are lucky on Koh Tao to have such a great comunity spirit so it was easy to find people interested in helping to clean up what we could.
On the Sunday 19th December, seven of us got together and spent the morning and part of the afternoon picking up and sorting trash into rrecyclables the best we could. Although we couldn't get everything, we ended up with over 900 kg of stuff. Mainly plastics and a lot of styrofoam.
We found thousands of bottle tops, straws, cigaret butts, glass, shoes, rubber, fishing gear, tooys, boeys, lighters, toothbrushes, shoes, straws, tabacco tins, light bulbs and even hyperdermic needles.
A huge thank you to everyone who came down including Koh Tao Royal resort for lending us some staff for an hour.. and to Roctopus for carting away all the recycling and trash!!
It was nice to see the Thais, Bermese and farangs all getting envolved. :) We are going to do it all again next week!!!