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Spicing up the swim....


I began swimming the pier here in Oceanside the other day. It wasn't nearly as hard as I imagined, even though I used fins instead of going for webbed toes only. I have never swam in the ocean persay, so I was a little nervous about how much harder it would be to swim in a more dynamic environment, not to mention the obstacle course provided for by the pier fishermen and their fishing lines.  It was a nice swim! I enjoyed it a lot and it got me to thinking. 

I swam a little over a kilometer with minimal exhaustion, granted with fins, but sometimes fins are more exhausting to me. So, to amp up the fundraising energy I have decided to increase the crazy... the $1000 Aqua hair is still in play, but I am also now suggesting that I will swim 1 kilometer as myself and a second km with a mermaid tail on.... I have never swam with a mermaid tail, but hey.... it's about the sharks right?? 

I know a local mermaid and we're hopefully going to team up for this ridiculousness! :) 

Everyday I wonder what on earth I am getting myself into haha 

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