Christmas Shark Action!!
Christmas is fast approaching and here at Exotic Island Dive Resort, Malapascua we are very busy diving and teaching. We have been teaching DSDs and Open Water, Advanced, Rescue and Divemaster courses this week, as well as our PADI Distinctive Thresher Shark Specialty Course. We teach this course free of charge to all our Divemaster Trainees so that they understand more about the beautiful creatures that they get to dive with on a regular basis.
During the Thesher Shark Specialty course they will learn more about our regular visitors, the threshers. About their anatomy, about why they come to the Malapascua area, and about the threats to their numbers. They will also learn more about what they can do to help protect all sharks including the thresher sharks.
The areas around Malapascua that the thresher sharks frequent are marine protected areas, and there are also measures taken by all the dive shops on the island to help to protect these creatures and minimise any damage to the shoal (underwater mountain) which is so important to them.
And for the last month, it seems that these combined efforts are working. We have been having great luck on our daily thresher shark dives, with multiple sharks spotted on almost every dive!
Lets hope this luck lasts into 2012!
On behalf of everyone here at Exotic, Merry Christmas everybody! :)