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Sharks petition as part of our dive briefings


Even though here at Liquid Dumaguete we don't see too many sharks.  We still want those beautiful creatures around.  Since opening our doors almost a year ago we have been gathering signatures for the Project AWARE shark petition.  In our briefing area we have Project AWARE posters and are sure to incorporate proper environmental interaction and behaviour to all of our divers.  

The briefings are a great time for us to talk to people about sharks and remind them to help us by signing the petition.  Divers are passionate about the underwater world and nearly all our divers sign the form.  As professional divers we have an obligation to preserve the ocean and the influence to make actual change in the people we interact with.  As part of our divemaster courses we make sure to instill in all of our divemaster trainees the importance of informing customers about the issues our ocean is facing.  

We may not be the biggest shop out there, but every signature helps and it is a nice feeling to know that we are doing our part.  There are many important things to cover in a dive briefing, but maybe the most important is making sure we still have something to give a dive briefing about.  

So next time you hear one of our briefings don't forget to stop into the dive shop and sign the petition.


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