The Finathon is on!
There is a lot of impressive fundraising going on at
Heather Murray is raising $1000 all on her own by risking her head, or hair that is - If she reaches her fundraising goal she ready and willing to shave her head for sharks. Heather, your creativity and bravery is inspiring.
And of course one of my personal favorite Project AWARE supporters (they are constantly thinking of fund new ways to raise funds) - Langley Diving ( have already conducted their annual Finathon and raised over $1200 in addition to shark protection awareness with the divers and swimmers of Langley, Canada.
I could go on about the numerous passionate fundraisers putting on their thinking caps and goggles to support Project AWARE's shark protection efforts but the bottom line is together, passionate divers are a powerful force in a battle to protect threatened sharks worldwide and their energy and enthusiasm is going a long way to support this complex issue.
Project AWARE's goals for sharks include:
- Provide greater protection for sharks through international, national and local legal instruments and policy changes.
- Implement changes to cruel and wasteful fishing practices, including finning.
- Creation of safe havens for sharks in the form of well managed marine parks with high levels of protection.
Why sharks? Shark fishing is largely unregulated in most of the world’s ocean. Overfishing, bycatch and finning are driving sharks to the brink. Finning - a cruel and wasteful practice of slicing off the sharks’ fins and throwing the body overboard at sea –must end.
Thank you to all the fundraisers and supporters.