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Langley Divers Make a Huge Stand Against Debris


This Debris Month of Action was the most positive result in Langley's history and from what I can tell the largest ever in BC Canada.

I have just presented the cheque to support Project AWARE for $1,087.50 from our Debris Month of Action celebration. A combine result of the support of Langley Diving and our generous divers:

$525.90 – Donations to Project AWARE for Lunch to volunteers that Langley Diving provided at no charge

$351.25 – Donations to Project AWARE for gear rentals to volunteer scuba divers, also provided by Langley Diving at no charge

$210.35 – The proceeds from the recycling following the Dive Against Debris action - 2,167 bottles and cans

A huge thanks to all the volunteers that made this action count in a big way!

From the My Ocean Community

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