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Debris Management Plan Moves Forward


Our Island-Wide Debris Master Plan is coming together and all the pieces are moving into place. All of the planning work for the four sections (see table below) are complete, and most of the proposals have already been written and approved. We expect that by June most of the projects will have begun to be implemented or will already be complete, just in time for the summer rush of visitors.

Below you can see a table which outlines each project section, and the status of the project. We will update the table regularly, and also add photos of the action taken, so check back soon to see how things are progressing.





                     Task                            Date to be completed
Island Clean up Crew        
X    Create Project Plan                            Sept. 2012
X    Create Marketing Letter                    March 2013
X    Print Marketing Letter                       April2013
O    Distribute letter/get donations        April 12013
      Hire crew                                           May 2013
      Implement daily cleaning activities    May 2013

Beach Bins        
X    Develop Action plan                             Sept. 2012
X    Design Beach Bins                                Dec. 2012
X    Design Bag recycling points                 Dec. 2012
X    Design ashtrays                                   Dec. 2012
X    Write proposal for funding                  Dec. 2012
O    Receive funding from Ob-Bor-Tol        April 2013
      Submit designs for manufacturing      April-May 2013
      Install bins/bag recycling points/ashtrays    May-June 2013

Road & Beach Signs        
x    Create project plan                         Sept. 2012
O    Make handpainted signs                Oct. 2012 (and on going)
O    Hang-up handpainted signs           Ongoing
O    Design Beach Signs                       April 2013
X    Design beach sign stands              March 2013
      Install beach signs                        May-June 2013
X    Design road signs                          2011
X    Find locations for road signs        February 2013
O    Print road signs                           April-May 2013
    Install road signs                           May-June 2013

Awareness Campaign        
X    Identify key problem areas                 Sept.-Oct. 2012
X    Identify possible solutions                 Sept.-Oct. 2012
X    Create project plan                           Sept.-Oct. 2012
X    Write Questionnaire                         Feb. 2013
O    Edit/refine questionnaire                April 2013
    Distribute questionnaire                    May-June 2013
    Design info brochure/booklet            May-June 2013
    Distribute booklet, talk with businesses    July  2013
    Develop other marketing materials (posters, stickers, etc)    Ongoing
    Redistribute questionnaires           June  2014

( X = task completed, O = in progress)


Thank you very much for your support and your interest in our island projects, and thank you to Project AWARE and PADI for giving us the grant to start this much needed program!

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