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Clean up Stockholms Ström


Bike after bike was lifted upfromthe seabedon Sunday.But alsobarricades,tires,milkwagons,a giantsteel beam,a pair of sunglasses(!)Was pickedupin light ofthe fourteensportsdiversfromAlpin &Dyksportwho cleanedthe seabed outside the royal palace.Not an easyjob infour to fivemeters deep witha visibility oftwo feet(unless thebottomlayer isaffected and theturbidity of the water). Sporfishing ClubStrömstararnaattended thelaudableproject.Butone wonders howpeople're likethrowing thebikes andbarricadesoverthe railing. This was the second time Alpin & Dyksport attended the event.
And again it was very apreciated by the divers that participated in the clean up.

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