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100% Project AWARE


After being the first and only dive center on Curacao to receive the PADI Green Star Award, I am pround to announce that as off today that we are the first dive center on Curacao to join the environmental leaders in the dive industry and become Project Aware 100% AWARE Partner.

By becoming a 100% Aware partner we support Project Aware with a $10.- donation per certified student. These donations help Project Aware to continue the great work they do, like:

  • Organizing Dive Against Debris actions in 180 countries of the world
  • Campaigning to protect the world’s most threatened shark species
  • Mobilizing divers worldwide to collect critical data underwater
  • Supporting marine protected areas (MPAs) and protecting vital ocean areas
  • Presenting critical findings and organizing key political meetings for change
And as a bonus it allows us to give all our students the Limited Edition Project Aware Certification Card for all PADI courses.

From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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