Monterey AMAZING
I just spent a few days in Monterey, Ca diving. How truely AMAZING it is there. There is so much life to have positive aquatic interactions with. So many people there are really focused on improving the underwater world and educating others. Its great to be in the middle of that. My dive buddy Kevin Ritz and I were privileged enough to see little octopus feeding on our night dive. We were also givin a underwater tour on our night dive by a very friendly harbour seal. This fun little guy stayed with us the whole 45 minute dive and pointed out lots of features like what he like to eat. This seal allowed us to use our dive lights to help him hunt. It was very cool. On our day dive at monastary beach we saw some great things including krill, sea butterflys, upside down jellyfish and a little leopard shark. It was an AMAZING few days of diving. Thanks too to the crew of the Santcuary dive boat for a great day of diving. It is good to see the positive efforts being made. Thanks Jeff