Week Without Walls
This week was the start of a Week without Walls. The school GEMS World Academy. For a week the young divers spend their time at the Atlantis Dive Centre learning to dive, continuing their diving education.
On Friday they are all taking part in our fourth 'Dive Against Debris' for the year. 40 divers are going to pick up a lot of rubbish.
Today the young divers are for some completing their PADI Open Water coures. For some they are learning about the corals with the speciality and for 10 divers they are taking the AWARE Shark Distinct Speciality and tomorrow diving in the Shark tank.
This morning learning about the sharks and I am glad to say they are all very keen to create their own 'My Ocean'
It has been an incredible week. The yound divers are having fun and learning (and wanting to learn!!!).
All I can say is I wish my school did things like this.....