Waterfront Clean up a HUGE Success
Forty one degree surface temperatures with wind and rain. sixty one degree bottom temperatures with average visibility of eighteen inches. Taking out a large haul... Priceless! Now that we at Gills Diving, Campus Divers, and Widener University students have completed our first waterfront clean up event we would like to extend a sincere thank you to all our friends and passer bys who braved the weather and wind to lend a hand. Our numbers are still out but judging by the weight it appears as if we collected nearly 700 lbs in debris both above and below the water.
We will post the official information once compiles along with photos and hopefully a video clip from Rogers Television.
Thanks to the City of Barrie for standing behind us on this project and thank you Widener University Students and Staff for choosing Barrie as a location for this project.
Don't forget to check out out photos.