MAKING WAVES: Global Lessons to Inspire Local Action
“Nothing better illustrates our throw-away lifestyle and waste problems than plastic. It is everywhere. The production, use and disposal of plastic has become one of the most serious environmental and human health problems facing us today.” - Raw Foundation
Making the links between consumer waste, plastic production, and the chemical pollution from persistent plastic pollutants, the 'Making Waves' exhibition focuses on the scale, speed and dangers of marine debris from a conceptual base, via photography, spoken word, sculpture, installation, and film. The exhibition, open to the general public throughout, aims to raise awareness, challenge perceptions and stimulate new thinking about how each of us can take responsibility for ensuring the safety of human health and the environment.
Eight collaborating artists and students from the South will showcase their creative interpretations of the environmental problems caused by plastic pollution and demonstrate their shared passion for protecting our earth and oceans.
Andy Hughes, Fran Crowe, Stephen Rahn, David Forsyth, Zoe Nicholson, Rob Reed and Poietic studio.
Throughout the course of the exhibition, schools, colleges and university design students will be invited to attend various activity days and workshops.
Supported by: Bristol Green Capital, Create, Bristol City Council, Resource Futures, Galapagos Conservation Trust and the Environment Agency.
Sponsored by: Business workshops by Business West and Youth development activity days by Natracare.
Extended until Friday 10 May, open weekdays 9-5