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Dive Tribe - Busy 3 Months


It's been a little while since we last posted, but this is not to say we are not busy here at DT. The very fact that we haven't posted gives you an idea of our work load over the past 3 months. Clownfish releases, artificial reef installation, Starting a Seahorse Survey Site and installing steel cabled mooring system to one of our wrecks here in Pattaya are just some of the projects we have been involved in this year. So lets start with the Seahorse Project, since Dr Lynn's visit to our seahorse site , we have decided to make it easier to survey. The problem with the site is it would be almost impossible to run a straight transect line through the site and get the data required, it would be just too random. The Reason ? The site is between 50 to 60 concrete cubes scattered across the sea bed, some of these cubes may be piled on top of each other. So as you can see this makes it a little difficult for a fixed transect. Dive Tribe developed what they believe is the best method to count seahorses and also to help facilitate accurate mapping of the site using a system of small mooring buoys numbered and attached to each cube. So far 30 buoys have been installed with our good friends at Seafaris Dive Centre in Pattaya and we have had a few practise runs with volunteers on collecting seahorse data from the site and the system works quite well. One thing we did notice was although the buoys worked well, unfortunately in just under a month they are completely encrusted with barnacles.Rather than removing them we will be just adding small waterproof numbers to the buoys. Lesson Learnt !! In the not too distant future we will be offering a seahorse speciality through Dive Tribe, that our customers can come and learn about the ecology of these cool little critters and learn how to collect the data we require to help with their conservation. We are also hosting a Sea Horse Workshop in Pattaya at the end of the month with Dr Tse-Lynn Loh and we will give the dates on our facebook page over the next few days so keep an eye on our page. Meanwhile if you do have any seahorse data, photographs or information remember to go and share it with the good people at iSEAHORSE. Your information can greatly help the team protect these creatures from possible extinction ...Thanks Team at DT

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