Lets Go Green - Day 1
Well everyone, we´ve taken the plunge and are going to be going as Green as we can! It's gonna lead to some exciting changes around here, which we are all looking forward to.
Everyone knows how important it is to protect our environment and we as divers of course understand that perhaps more than others as we often see the hidden parts of environmental distruction - but we are also able to do ou share to help correct it.
Dive.is has in the past done many small green things, but we´ve never made a public commitment to go green, but that time has now come and we start today!
So far, we´re still in the research stages, but we are aiming to have a few things implemented or improved from their existing status by the end of month, starting with some small things of course, but we´re also gonna be looking at our first official Dive against Debris, which you´ll hopefully all start seeing posts about shortly
Watch this space!