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Dive World Boost Ocean Protection


Dive World, is delighted to be leading the way in conservation by becoming 100% AWARE!

100% AWARE is a voluntary program that encourages PADI Dive Centres to raise much needed funds for ocean protection.

From March 2012, Dive World will make a monthly donation to Project AWARE for every student who completes a recreational SCUBA diving certification course. In exchange students receive special limited edition Project AWARE PADI certification card.

The regular donation supports collecting and removing devastating underwater debris worldwide, securing protection for the world's threatened shark species, and engaging people in conservation efforts globally.

 “Dive World has shown dedication to conservation for many years through their participation in Project AWARE activities.  Their commitment to the 100% AWARE program makes them shine as they not only lead by example but demonstrate to their students the importance of supporting ocean protection. Thank you for leading the way,” said Joanne Marston, Associate Director, Project AWARE Foundation.

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