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New OWSI now Shark AWARE Instructors Too


You can tell just by looking at Downbelow's resident PADI Course Director Richard Swann that he has just tickled his passion for the environment.

From the big grin on his face and hand against his forehead symbolising a fin, the diver's sign for shark, you know he was busy with shark conservation.

"A very conservation-minded bunch," he says as he points to the group of new PADI Open Water Scuba Instructors who recently qualified during our September IDC.

"And very keen to spread their new knowledge," he ads as he hands out their AWARE Shark Conservation Speciality Instructor certificates for the course they have just successfully completed.

Richard is making work of his passion for the environment, and for sharks in particular, through Downbelow and the opportunity he has to instil the importance of these apex preditors into the minds of new instructors.

"When our IDC candidates sign up for the MSDT program like this group has," he said, "we include the AWARE Shark Conservation Speciality Instructor Course at no cost."

"And not just that," he ads excitedly, "but PADI actually donates the fees to Project AWARE, further supporting them to continue their invaluable work."

Richard encoungared the group to go out and share as much as possible of their newfound Shark AWARE knowledge to as many people as possible.

"I believe," Richard said in conclusion, "that as a team, we can make a difference."


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