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Downbelow Borneo Supports Dive Against Debris


At Downbelow, the entire staff team know the importance of conservation and it is second-nature to us to think for the environment and to do out part to protect it in any way we can.

So when Project AWARE started the "Dive Against Debris" month, we didn't think twice about helping the cause and raising more awareness.

To show our support, everyone from the Downbelow island team joined together to clean the shoreline in front of our dive centre. Normally we have one or two staff following our duty schedule to do the clean-up daily.

Now with everyone working together, we are hoping more debris can be picked up in a much shorter time.

We are hopeful everyone else can join in the serious fun & pickup any garbage on your next dive, snorkel, beach or even the streets & put it in the trash bin!

The more people join in, the more our collective actions can contribute to a clean, healthy ocean.

Together we can make a difference!

From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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