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Platinum PADI Course Director Richard Swann is a true marine activist!


Richard Swann, is our resident Platinum PADI Course Director, who with the assistance of the Go PRO team of PADI Instructor Trainers, conducts the PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC) at our PADI 5 Star IDC Dive Centre on Gaya Island in Sabah, Borneo!

For more than a decade, our dive operations have contributed to the environmental preservation of Sabah’s natural beauty, and our most concentrated efforts are focused on Tunku Abdul Rahman Park because it’s where our beach house is located.

It’s best to begin such volunteering efforts in the local area because the local community care the most and have the citizens’ responsibility to take positive action. Downbelow frequently organize beach and underwater clean ups to raise awareness to the public about what threats our local environment faces.

All programs and courses our team of PADI professionals conduct, an emphasis on environmental awareness is included to inspire student divers to make their own daily efforts!

Conservation is a belief that is instilled in the professional dive training of the IDC, but usually our candidates will have possessed a passion for protecting the environment long before their Go PRO careers! Recreational divers keep diving to learn more about the marine environment, and evolve to become professional divers who want to use this knowledge for a proactive approach!

Our Go PRO team lives the diving dream by qualifying others to follow suit!

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