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Illegal Net Removals Like A Pro Intern


Illegal nets; the pesky bain of our existence, which occurs every so often in our beloved TAR Marine Park in spite of a high level of awareness and viligance.

So it was then that yet another net was spotted this week in the marine park in which Downbelow's dive centre is based. But, as usual, we had a plan.

Currently at Downbelow's PADI 5 Star IDC Dive Centre is a group of particularly conservation-minded interns, some of who are working towards PADI Divemaster and some who are here for our November Instructor Development Course.

Our resident PADI Course Director Richard Swann quickly organised them into a well-oiled machine.

After a thorough briefing - failing to plan and all that, you know - the troops were ready for the onslaught against the entangled net.

They swiftly located, decended and starter work on the net, cutting it down to size piece by piece and every mindful not to further damage the corals.

Before long the coral reef was freed and the net, raised to the surface, was on its way to being properly disposed of.

"We hope the experience that the interns gained will assist them with marine debris removals in future," Richard said.

"Our oceans need all the help it can get," he added.

Downbelow is always ready for a net removal and we actively encourage divers in the park to alert us to entangled nets they may spot. Afterall, together we are making a difference.

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