Total Tally of Finathon Funds
Asia's first Finathon held last weekend was, by all accounts, a resounding success.
After noting every contribution - big and small - we finally know, to the exact penny, what was donated.
The response we received from the local business community, many individuals and even the Ministry of Tourism, surprised even us. Shark finning is obviously very important to many people.
Thanks to everyone's heartfelt generosity, Downbelow's Finathon netted a stagerring RM 15,079.10 (AU$ 4,734.64 / US$ 4,925.39 at current rates).
We've also released the list of contributions, donations and sales, to make it completely transparent and show where all the money came from.
It's important for all participants to know that 100% of the donations and funds are going straight to Project AWARE.
Project AWARE Foundation uses the money to fight for legislation on a global scale, to protect sharks and to ensure their continued survival.
Through ever increasing awarness of the unsustainable pratice that is shark finning, we can save our sharks when people say no to shark fin soup, and governments start to implement the will of the people.
Together our voices are being heard and together we are making a difference!
Bring on the next Finathon!