Finley Surfaces in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Finley and Finn surfaced at the recent PADI Course Director Training Course in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah where #1 Shark Fan and Downbelow's resident PADI Course Director, Richard Swann, was on hand to welcome them to Borneo.
Who is this Finley, I heard you ask.
FInley, and the slightly more animated friend, Finn, are Project AWARE shark ambassadors who have been traveling the world together since they met in the UK on World Oceans Day on 8 June last year.
Finn started her journey in Australia some time before that, but since they've teamed up they've spread awareness of the planet's dwindling shark populations far and wide.
During their latest stop at the CDTC in Kota Kinabalu a few days ago, they met up with Richad Swann, Downbelow's resident Course Director who is such a big fan of sharks that he became Project AWARE's first certified AWARE Shark Conservation Speciality Course Instructor last year.
Needless to say, it was a bitter sweet moment. Sweet because Finn and Finley met one of the millions of shark activists around the globe who joins the fight for sharks every day, but bitter because of the dire situation FInley's kind finds themselves in.
Nevertheless, Richard is glad to have made their acquiantance, and wish them all the best of luck on the rest of their tour.
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