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Another Illegal Net in Borneo So Another Removal Activity


The Downbelow team along with pro interns again removed another net from the protected marine park of Tunku Abdul Rahman in Borneo. The last two net removal occurred within the last 30 days.

Even though we are happy and proud to be doing this conservation work on behalf of Mother Nature we would prefer that this didn't happen in the first place.

We are just hoping that the illegal fishermen would somehow realize that if they continue dumping their nets into the ocean eventually there will be no more fish left for anyone.

The three occurrences of illegal fishing nets in the past month or so confirmed that we always need to be on the lookout for other illegal nets within the park.

No matter how many times we encounter them, we will do everything we can to remove the killing menace from the ocean as soon as possible.

A big round of applause to our interns for their assistance in removing this particularly large net which sat up in the water column in the most destructive way possible, trapping and killing numerous marine life.

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