New AWARE Shark Conservation Speciality Instructors Coincides with Whaleshark Sightings
Downbelow's resident Course Director had the pleasure of qualifying 2 new AWARE Shark Conservation Speciality Instructors at our PADI 5-Star IDC Dive Centre in Gaya Island, Borneo a few days ago.
Congratulations to Stefan Bucheler and Samantha Sherman on the completion of their course and are now proud AWARE Shark Conservation Speciality Instructors.
In a pleasant co-incidence whalesharks were sighted just outside our dive centre on the same day, they were probably happy about the course too!
Apart from the encounter with the largest fish in our ocean, our guests also encountered dolphins and a turtle all within the same day!
A good reminder to the beauty of the ocean and its animals - and more reasons we have to take care of it!